Does Weight Gain Occur When Resistance Exercises Are Performed?

Many individuals avoid strength training due to the false assumption that it would lead them to gain weight or “bulk up.” As a direct result of this fallacy, many people who routinely exercise concentrate on cardiovascular exercises and avoid the weight room. If you continue to hold this belief, despite what you may have heard or read, it might prevent you from attaining your health and fitness goals and have negative long-term health consequences. In reality, resistance exercise may help prevent weight gain, improve body composition, and provide lasting benefits. Incorporating strength training into your regular exercise routine is essential for achieving your health-related goals, and the following are some of the reasons why.

Does Weight Gain Occur When Resistance Exercises Are Performed?

Expenditure of more calories than average

As a result of resistance training, both the short-term effects of individual training sessions and the long-term effects of increased muscle mass may lead to an increase in the number of calories expended. Even if just a small number of calories are burned during exercise, the benefits of exercise remain long after the activity has ended. In fact, research indicates that an increase in calorie expenditure may last for many days after a workout is done. One study found that a single session of resistance training resulted in a 5% increase in resting energy expenditure that persisted for up to 72 hours following the workout. The exercise sustained this effect. In a similar line, it has been shown that regular weight training may increase the resting metabolic rate by around 7 percent in both younger and older individuals. In addition to the benefits experienced after resistance training, one of the side effects of increased muscle mass is a quicker metabolism. This is because the maintenance of muscular mass requires more energy. Therefore, regular resistance training may ultimately help you burn more calories throughout the day, supporting your weight loss goals whether you are sitting on the sofa or standing up. This is true whether you are lifting weights or doing any other activity.

Improvement of a Person’s Body Composition

The ratio of a person’s fat mass to their fat-free mass is his or her body composition (which consists of muscle, bone, organs, water and connective tissue). If a person does not participate in physical activity, eats an unhealthy diet, matures, or suffers from one of the various chronic illnesses, they may experience decreases in bone density and muscle mass accompanied by increases in fat mass. Muscle training has the capability of delaying or even reversing these changes, resulting in increased muscle mass, preservation or enhancement of bone mineral density, and fat loss. Monitoring the evolution of changes in body composition over time may be more important than assessing body weight over time due to these alterations. This is due to the fact that body weight may remain constant even when muscle mass increases and fat mass decreases. For instance, researchers discovered that older individuals who participated in a resistance-training programmed for 26 weeks saw a 6.8-pound decrease in fat mass and a 4.4-pound increase in fat-free mass while their body weight remained same.

Does Weight Gain Occur When Resistance Exercises Are Performed?

This study also indicates that you do not need to worry about “bulking up,” since this effect will not occur unless you workout, eat, and supplement with the intention of maximizing muscle growth and weight increase. If you do not workout, eat, and take supplements with the aim of achieving this result, you will not feel it. In contrast, resistance exercise may help you rebuild your body by altering its composition by growing muscle and lowering body fat. In turn, this may help you gain muscular definition and maintain a healthy weight.

Conditioning of the body

Both younger and older individuals may significantly increase their strength via persistent resistance training. Even while modest muscle training may have some advantages, increasing the intensity of the workout results in greater strength increases. Age-related weakness is associated with a decline in functional capacity, a slower gait speed, an increased risk of falling, a loss of independence, hospitalizations, and a decline in life quality. Because maximal strength hits its peak around age 30 and starts to diminish around age 50, resistance training is an important component of a complete fitness programmed for all ages in order to sustain and improve both strength and physical function. This is due to the fact that maximal strength peaks around age 30 and starts to drop around age 50.

Superior Outcomes Concerning Health

In addition to the health outcomes related to weight, body composition, and strength, resistance training may have positive effects on a broad range of other health outcomes. Recent studies have indicated that strength training may aid in the prevention and treatment of a broad range of chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. In addition, resistance training has been linked to positive mental health outcomes, including improved cognition, self-esteem, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Regular physical activity may provide these advantages.

Does Weight Gain Occur When Resistance Exercises Are Performed?


Muscle-challenging resistance exercises are a vital part of any comprehensive fitness plan. Resistance training may help you attain your fitness goals, whether they be to reduce weight, alter your body composition, become stronger and more functional, or just improve your overall health. If you have never performed resistance training before, you should ease into it by starting with a lower resistance and gradually increasing it over time.