Five Easy Practices That Will Do Wonders for Your Body and Mood

In the last decade, happiness has emerged as a significant topic of academic investigation, and in response, universities throughout the nation are building whole curriculum dedicated to the topic. Laurie Santos, Ph.D., is a pioneer in happiness research and a psychology and cognitive science professor at Yale. She also teaches an exceedingly well-attended course at Yale on the theme of happiness. As a consequence of her research, she has developed a number of scientifically-based recommendations that may help us increase our levels of happiness. Five simple ways to enhance our lives and make them happier and healthier are provided here.

Five Easy Practices That Will Do Wonders for Your Body and Mood

1-Make a list of three things for which you are grateful every day

Writing down three wonderful things about your day may have a significant impact on retraining your brain to feel more gratitude and, as a result, on your level of happiness. According to Santos, who performed study on the subject, this is the case. Combining this practice with another daily ritual, such as brushing your teeth, may help you become more aware of its advantages and make it easier to adhere to it regularly. Making an effort to become more aware of the things for which you feel grateful, even if they are relatively insignificant, such as your morning cup of coffee or a phone call from a friend, is an excellent way to help you focus on the positives in your life rather than on the things you may perceive to be lacking in your life.

2-Get up and go

People who engage in even brief bouts of physical activity each week (150 minutes or fewer) have a reduced chance of developing depression. There are several methods to include physical activity into your daily schedule, so there is no reason not to begin moving. You might, for example, take your dog for a walk or visit a playground and play on the equipment there. While watching your favorite television show, do some exercises to improve your mobility. Look for instructions, then follow them. Spend time in the yard or swimming in a lake. The most essential thing is to keep moving whenever and whenever possible.

Five Easy Practices That Will Do Wonders for Your Body and Mood

3-Spend time outside and disengage from technology

A writer by the name of Anne Lamott once observed, “Almost anything will function again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” Taking time away from technology is essential, especially for individuals who feel overstimulated and exhausted due to continual job-related alerts and stress. Plus points if you can unplug in natural settings. David Strayer, a cognitive psychologist and professor, has conducted research on the importance of brain-based measures in the cognitive restoration process. He believes that spending time in nature is essential for enhancing one’s mood and reducing stress levels. For example, one study that watched persons wandering through an urban green area revealed that the subjects’ brains had lower levels of unhappiness, participation, and attention when in the green space. Get outside and away from your electronics. Again, the alternatives are almost unlimited. Perambulate a gorgeous garden. Go hiking. Attempt to climb some of the rocks. In the grass, barefoot running is recommended. Rent a canoe. As you listen and take in everything around you, let the calming effects of nature to wash over you.

4-Think about the needs of others

According to Santos, increasing the time you devote to caring for others is a fantastic technique for enhancing your own happiness. Being kind to others brings us happiness. Santos says that spending time and money on oneself is not as satisfying as spending time and money on others. Focusing your time and money on others, on the other hand, is very rewarding. Those who volunteer more likely to be happy than those who do not. Would you be willing to volunteer to accompany someone who recently had a baby to dinner or to go grocery shopping for those who are unable to leave their homes? If you love the outdoors, you should consider planting perennial flowers that attract butterflies and bees. Send a well-liked book on to a friend. Bring in the garbage cans belonging to your neighbor. Send a letter of encouragement to a friend or family member who might use it, or donate your time and energy to a cause you care about. Time well-spent is time spent assisting those in need.


The contemporary way of life puts a heavy focus on doing as many things as possible, resulting in higher levels of stress and anxiety. Focusing on one’s breathing is one technique for soothing the nervous system while practicing meditation. When you take deep breaths, your diaphragm will stimulate the vague nerve, allowing you to connect with the parasympathetic nervous system. Even if you devote just 10 minutes every day, your brain’s routines may begin to change. Beginning a meditation practice may be challenging, but here are some recommendations for getting started: Begin your day in silence before checking your phone for emails or texts.

Five Easy Practices That Will Do Wonders for Your Body and Mood

This is an excellent method for setting the tone for the day. Find a comfortable chair or go outside to a quiet spot where you may concentrate on your breathing for a bit. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing for the next 10 minutes. In addition, you may find a multitude of useful programmers that can aid your meditation practice. These applications are very useful for beginners. Although acquiring the talent of meditation requires self-discipline and frequent practice, you do not need to dedicate a great deal of time to it, nor do you need to do it perfectly in order to enjoy its wonderful benefits.