How to Maintain Gratitude in Challenging Times

Without a question, the year 2020 has been chock-full of obstacles. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in serious health problems as well as worrisome changes to the way we live, work, attend school, and socialize, assuming we continue to socialize at all. In addition to COVID-related concerns, there are evidence that dissatisfaction, worry, and rage are on the increase in the United States as we face uncertain times.

How to Maintain Gratitude in Challenging Times

You may not be able to control the challenging events you encounter, but you can control your response to them. One constructive response to hardship is to be grateful for the things that are going well in your life. Appreciating what is beneficial and meaningful to you is a crucial component of practicing gratitude, and there is a link between thanks and an elevated sense of well-being. Practicing thankfulness has been found to have positive effects on emotions, resilience, and relationships. People who develop an attitude of thankfulness experience fewer health issues, such as headaches, sleeping difficulties, and respiratory infections.

Even though we are urged to express thanks on a certain day of the year (Thanksgiving), establishing an attitude of gratitude on a daily basis may have more profound impacts. Even if you don’t believe you have much for which to be grateful, making it a practice to express even the smallest amount of gratitude on a regular basis might help alleviate some of the stress you may be feeling.

Here are some easy strategies for cultivating an attitude of gratitude in your daily life.

One way to express gratitude is to keep a journal

Set aside daily or weekly time to write the things for which you are thankful in a gratitude journal, whether it’s a physical or digital notebook. This may first appear difficult since we are used to focusing on being grateful for big events, such as a promotion at work or material possessions, such as a new car. How about concentrating your thankfulness on the fact that you are healthy enough to exercise and that you have access to healthful meals anytime you desire? One may show appreciation for their children, their pets, their houses, a beautiful day, or even the cup of coffee they are now holding. It’s the small things that matter, and once you begin to consider them on this scale, the list may seem endless. Whenever you write in your journal, make it a point to include five things.

How to Maintain Gratitude in Challenging Times

Extend your appreciation to them

Not only is expressing thanks to others nice, but it also benefits both sides. Make an attempt to be as genuine as possible when expressing thanks to persons in regular situations, such as the cashier at the grocery store or the person who delivers dinner. You may even express gratitude in instances when it is not needed. Send an encouraging text message to a buddy and express how much you value your relationship with them. Instead of waiting for your spouse or a family member to do a specific action, you may thank them for just being there for you when times are difficult.

Consider how you may remind yourself to be appreciative

In a perfect world, you would see this many times each day, and it would act as a reminder to be grateful. It may be a beautiful rock, a souvenir from a recent trip, a sticker, or anything else that meets your needs. Keep it in a place where you will be reminded of it often, and each time you do, consider something for which you are grateful.

Mindfulness practice centered on appreciation

Probably, you are already familiar with the technique of meditation, which involves finding a quiet place to sit or lie down for several minutes, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breathing while doing so. In contrast to more traditional types of meditation, which advise you to empty your mind and let go of your ideas, gratitude meditation encourages you to intentionally concentrate on the many things for which you are grateful in your life. They may be major or insignificant, occurring in the past or the present. There is no limit to the amount of people, things, and circumstances that may induce feelings of gratitude. Be careful to recognize and express thankfulness for each as they come to mind. After completing all tasks, return your focus to your breathing for a series of deep breaths, and then wind down the session gradually.

How to Maintain Gratitude in Challenging Times

Gratitude is the appreciation of unmerited, unearned, and unrequired gifts. It is recognizing the positive aspects of life that we frequently take for granted.